Youth Fishing Leagues
2025 dates TBD
Through our traveling exhibit we have met many families who are keen on continuing their children's passion for fishing but they don't know what their options are. Parents are always asking us "where can we sign up our child(ren) for a fishing program?" We recognized that there was a lack of options out there that focus on our youth and fishing.
We saw this as an amazing opportunity to create a program and developed our own youth fishing league. This allows parents to support their kids passion and get the family outdoors to connect with nature. Which is also a huge part of what we represent. They become part of an amazing community, and receive conservation education for the entire family.
"We feel it is important to continue developing and expanding this league in as many communities as we can to give as many families the opportunity to enjoy all of its benefits"
- Mike Sklad
With registration, each participant is given a package that includes a hat, jersey, polarized sunglasses, rod/reel, lures, tackle box, hooks, weights, photographs and a trophy. This can add up to a value of almost $200. The league runs once a week over four weeks. Each day is roughly 2 hours longs but let's face it, we know one last cast means at least ten. Sessions include shoreline fishing, possible guest speakers and FUN!!!